Monday, January 12, 2009


Everyone knows Gary has one zillion friends and that is actually a literal number. He spent his life keeping in touch and checking on people. Grandpa and I were in Costco today and a man approached me asking if I happen to be with Coach Schiess. I told him he was and he walked over to Grandpa and told him he was a friend of Gary's, Nale Fakahua who had played football with him at Ricks and came to SUU the year Gary was graduating. You could tell he loved and respected Gary. It is always good to have those experiences. I was also telling Grandma earlier in the day it was Gary's wedding anniversary. I think I am right on the day but I was thinking about his wedding day and what a joker he was. Rod had to pick us up from school and of course we were late but it was great to be there when they came out of the temple. Their wedding video was always one of my favorite movies to watch. I loved the music. Love you Kennard.