Sunday, May 25, 2008

Gary and Landon

I love this picture. One of Gary's best known traits was his love for kids an especially babies. He was outside the delivery room actually talking to my Dr. Crouch and making bets about when the baby would come. I know if I would have given him the word, he would have been there for the birth of Landon although he may have passed out in the process. He loved to be the first on the scene and was always so supportive. Landon had RSV so was hospitalized shortly thereafter. I was a fanatic about having everyone use hand sanitizer. The joke when Landon was blessed was that I was going to make all those who participated in the blessing wash their hands with sanitizer before they went up to the front of the chapel. Gary loved to take Landon and run away from me just to get a rise out of me. He was so much fun and always called Landon "midget." Landon actually thought Gary's name was midget. He tells his friends now about his Uncle Gary and how he lives with Heavenly Father.